Welcome to Macedonia, Iowa![]() Macedonia is one of the oldest and most historic towns in Southwest Iowa. Macedonia was first founded on the east side of the Nishnabotna River in 1846, because of frequent flooding and the coming of the CB&Q Railroad was moved to its present location in 1880. You will find the Mormon Trail winding through the town and nearby countryside.
The town has a covered stadium that is one of two remaining in Iowa, a beautifully shaded park with playground equipment and a walking trail. A half mile from town is the descent to the river at Olde Town Park where Mormons crossed the river on limestone rock ledge. Macedonia offers a small-town family life with the heart of an old-fashioned village. Throughout the year the community is busy with events and activities…Grist Mill theatre productions & art shows, community dinners, Annual Donia Day celebrations, Fire Department activities, MHPS Annual Nishnabotna River Rubber Ducky Race, and an access point to the West Nishnabotna River Water Trail. Main Street (Pioneer Trail, County Road G-66) runs through the center of town and connects to north/south running Highway 59, just one mile east of town. Main Street also provides access to east/west running Highway 92 via County Road M-16, which runs just west of the community. Please visit our web site regularly for updates. Thanks for visiting and come back soon! CITY OF MACEDONIA - PUBLIC NOTICE - RESOLUTION 2024-7
CITY OF MACEDONIA LEVEL 1 WATER CONSERVATION DECLARATION EFFECTIVE 7/9/2024 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Macedonia, Iowa: That we do hereby declare a Public Water Conservation: Water Warning Level 1 as defined Per City Code Chapter 93.04 in the City of Macedonia, Iowa during which time the following measures and provisions of City Code of Ordinances Chapter 93 Water Conservation shall be in effect to produce an orderly and equitable reduction of water consumption until, by resolution, the Council finds and declares the water shortage condition to be ended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is directed to publish and post this resolution to inform the public of the measures and provisions of City Ordinance Chapter 93 Water Conservation. Passed and Approved this 9th Day of July, 2024. Melia Clark, Mayor ATTEST: Moriah Mahan, City Clerk To review Macedonia City Code Chapter 93 Water Conservation in its entirety please contact or visit the City Clerk’s office at 322 Main Street, Macedonia, IA. City Hall Phone 712-486-2323. Excerpts of City Code Chapter 93 Water Conservation are as follows: 93.02 CONDITIONS. 2. Water Warning. A Level 1 or Level 2 Water Warning may be declared when a water shortage or equipment failure poses a serious threat to the ability of the water system to meet the needs of its customers currently and in the foreseeable future. Indicators of the need to impose a Level 1 Water Warning include: A. System operating at eighty-five percent (85%) of pumping capacity; B. Significant decrease in the pumping water level of wells or significant decrease in recovery rate of water level in wells; C. Significant decrease in reservoir levels measured in number of feet below spillway or number of feet above intake. Indicators of the need to impose a Level 2 Water Warning include severe system emergencies such as a chemical spill or major system failure in feeder mains or treatment plant. 93.04 WATER WARNING — LEVEL 1. Under a Level 1 Water Warning, no person shall use potable processed water of the City water service in any manner contrary to the following: 1. Outdoor watering or irrigation of lawn is prohibited. 2. Outdoor watering of any kind is prohibited between the hours of eight o’clock (8:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. daily. 3. Watering or irrigation of flower and vegetable gardens, trees and shrubs less than four (4) years old and new seeding or sod is permitted once per week with an application not to exceed one (1) inch. 4. Car washing is prohibited except in commercial establishments that provide that service. 5. No water shall be used to fill private swimming pools, children’s wading pools, reflecting pools or any other outdoor pool or pond. 6. No water shall be used to wash streets, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks or building exteriors. 7. No water shall be used for nonessential cleaning of commercial and industrial equipment, machinery and interior spaces. 8. Water shall be served in restaurants only upon the request of the customer. 9. Use of water-consuming comfort air conditioning equipment which consumes in excess of five percent (5%) of the water circulating in such equipment is prohibited. 10. Tankload water sales may be curtailed or eliminated. Water reclaimed or recycled after some other primary use, such as water that has been used for washing or cooling, may be used without restriction. Additionally, water derived from sources other than the City water utility, such as water condensed from the atmosphere by air conditioners or collected from rain or snow, may be used without restriction. |
DECEMBER 6, 7, 8 -- Grist Mill Production of Church Basement Ladies 8 -- Soup in Santa's Kitchen, Macedonia Community Church 11 am - 1 pm 10 -- Council Meeting, City Hall 7 pm 15 -- Light Up Macedonia Christmas Light Contest Judging JANUARY 14 -- Council Meeting, City Hall 7 pm Job Descriptions & Application for Full-Time City Clerk & Part-Time Mowing/Snow Removal can be found on the Government tab. ONLINE PAYMENT
Three easy ways to pay: onsite, online or by phone (1-888-604-7888). Pay Location Code: a00328 Make Payments for City of Macedonia Utility Bills at the Link Below: www.govpaynow.com/gps/user/cyg/plc/a00328 Make Payments for City of Macedonia Dog License/ Building Permit Fees at the Link Below: www.govpaynow.com/gps/user/cyg/plc/a00329
Pottawattamie County Attractions and Events Western Iowa Development Association Riverside Links - Connecting the Riverside Community
http://www.riversidelinks.com/ 4-H Clubs in the Riverside Community https://www.extension.iastate.edu/eastpottawattamie/club-directory Macedonia Cemetery Online Navigation https://burialsearch.com/ecims#/s/497/Macedonia_Township_Cemetery In Remembrance of Council Member Susan Goos
“When you are sorrowful, look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for what has been your delight.” Susan Goos was a delight to all who knew her. She was a kind, smart, funny, and strong woman. Susan was the kind of person that made you feel fortunate to know her. Susan Goos was a long-time pillar of our community, and she left her mark on this community in many ways. Susan served as a Macedonia City Council Member for 13 years and as the Founder, President, and driving force of Macedonia Hamilton Development Corporation for just as long. Susan will be greatly missed by our community and by all who knew and loved her. -Mayor Melia Clark WATER CONSERVATION -- How's Your Water Pressure?
Pay attention to your water bill and become familiar with your water meter-use them to track your water use and detect leaks. Listen for drips and leaks around the house. If you notice a change in your water pressure, that could be a sign that you have a leak somewhere in your line. Always report changes in pressure to City Hall. Make sure your faucets turn off completely. Even a slow drip can use as much as 5,000 gallons of water per month. A steady stream can lose up to 21,000 gallons per month. A toilet that runs continuously can use as much as 5,000 gallons of water per day! Even a slow, silent leak can add gallons to your utility bill. To check for a toilet leak, put a few drops of food coloring in the tank and see if it seeps into the bowl without flushing. If it does, replace the flapper valve and/or the rubber gasket at the bottom of the tank or call your plumber. Your water meter can be a valuable tool in detecting water leaks in and around your home. Know where it is located and follow this simple process to help determine if there is a leak in your home: 1) Make sure no water is running. 2) Turn off all faucets and water-consuming appliances. 3) Read your water meter. Write down the current reading. 4) Read the meter again a few hours later after a time when you haven't used any water. If the meter reading has changed, you have a leak. |