Macedonia Historical Preservation Society was organized in October of 2000 for the purpose of preserving, restoring, and maintaining the area historic buildings and Macedonia area history. The organization’s logo is the old wooden railroad bridge that was on Main Street and was used by the community to provide a safe passage over the C.B. & Q. Railroad tracks. Macedonia Historical Preservation Society’s motto is “A Bridge From the Past to the Future.” The group has collected area history and has available the first Macedonia History Book. The book is a record of much of the area history. Another project included restoring a Main Street building for the Pioneer Trail Museum. We helped revive Donia Day, an annual celebration that began in the 1950’s. Long-range goals include preserving area history and maintaining the museum for the area, preserving the history and heritage skills of the pioneers who traveled through Macedonia on the Pioneer Trail and those who settled in this vicinity.
SIDEWALK RAILING FOR MACEDONIA'S MAIN STREET By Ruby Bentley Macedonia Development Committee launched a sidewalk railing project. The north side of Macedonia's one block business section of Main Street was elevated and posed a safety issue. The elevation is left over from the horse and buggy days. This allowed horse drawn carriages and buggies to pull up beside the walk and people could step out onto the walk and not have to step into the street and get their shoes or clothes dirty or muddy. More people were coming to our small town that were not familiar with this "big step" and concerns were felt that someone could get hurt by falling off the raised walk. Susan Goos, City Council member and president of Macedonia Development, drew a plan, then applied for a grant from Macedonia Development Committee to help pay for this project. A $5,000 grant was received from Pottawattamie County Community Foundation. Macedonia Historical Preservation Society pledged to sponsor this exciting project. Funds for the project were channeled through MHPS, a non-profit organization. Originally, it was hoped to have five or six families sponsor a panel for a $1,000 donation and repetitive panels would be used alternately in between the "special" ones. There are now thirty-three panels representing total contributions of $33,000 from that many families, organizations and businesses. Sponsors donated money for decorated metal panels in powder-coated black that represent Macedonia's history, area family's history or businesses. An area welder-blacksmith shop bought a laser cutter. Amy Mertes artfully designed the 2' by 5' panels. The artwork had to be in "reverse" negative and positive space to have the laser cutter make the panels. The welder cut out, powder coated and installed the panels on the sidewalk. This spurred a need for steps and handrail from this sidewalk down to the street. The City of Macedonia completed those, taking into account the ADA accessibility requirements. Topics for the panels include the CB&Q Railroad and bridge, old Macedonia School, Macedonia Implement, Macedonia businesses-past and present, firemen, beekeepers, Dye Mercantile-a historical general merchandise store, Stempel bird collection, agriculture, cattle, corn shelling, pioneers and covered wagon, historic Grandstand, Grist Mill Fine Arts, Opera House, post office and churches. The sidewalk railing project has spread over a few years. There were three or four panels to start. As interest grew, there was a flurry of participants with the most recent panels installed in late 2019. Macedonia's sidewalk is a safer place and many complements confirm that this was an amazing project! The sidewalk railing is a "conversation piece" and adds an artistic look to Macedonia's Main Street! Visitors to Macedonia enjoy strolling along the sidewalk to interpret the "railing art" and see the story it tells!